Wow Wow Wow...super duper happy saturday for me...y?y?y?y? leh coz dear dear bought a new handphone for meOMNIA 2...bout the pricing guess yourself lo but not same with market price...dear dear bought this phone for me at Shah Alam geh Handphone Fair...the price is affordable and reasonable so only decided to buy...cant sleep lo after purchased this phone keep on thinking how to use?how to install the apps,how to install excited of getting this new phone..thxs Ah Dear...
See See See!!! nice bo??left hand side is dear dear geh Samsung Corby Pro and right hand sidemine Omnia 2..this is not original geh cover is we went to Midvalley and Sg Wang for this design geh...not cheap lo..quite expensive but satisfy la coz worth for the money so make our handphone look better and nicer...hehe..
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