Saturday~deardear finally bring me go watch Movies!!! hahahaha,tis week i gotlittle bit lazy go shopping~very surprise rite? shopping queen still lazy go shopping geh time~know y? cuz i just recover from fever nia~n just finish taking care the Big Baby(my deardear lah..his fever is serious than me wan me take care =3=) so no power go shopping~so after i banggang we mummum liao~i fetch deardear back home~wahahahaha~then after prepare everything~we jau went to Midvalley n watch movie nor~1st is Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief..tis movie so nice~the story line~and the Zhu jiao..its very Xi ying talking bout god n theirs son geh story..n deardear said their god geh name so nice~ya~really so nice~their name~ so i gv tis movie 4/5mark is full~after that we go gaigai~cuz next movie will be started at 7.30pm but 1st movie oni finish at i said wan go MPH take a look..i wan search for "The Host" geh novel... m i crazy? yeah~yes i am..i wan become Stephanie Meyer supporter~hahaha~i finish my chinese version geh ~(yeah,finally..i use liao around 3months oni finish reading it) i think its very nice geh story so i hope to get a english original wan for Shou go take a look..but let me saw something! that i wont believe geh~is Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief original geh Story BOOK?!!! oh rite~is really a Story Book some more now ady got 4parts..see the pics i upload wan........................
SEE! 4parts leh~suddenly addicted with it and feel like buying it~hahahahaha,but cant lah~i looking Chinese Version geh~if nice oni buy english geh~wahahahaha..deardear also surprise when saw the books~hahaha..after walkwalk around 7.00pm we jau go cinema again~for next movie - Little Big Soldier (大兵小将) hahahaha,erm~tis movie got little boring~but yau got funny de woh~feel like "Ting Hao de~挺好的~" hahahahaaha~then i think tis is 2nd movie for Jacky Chan Die wan~hahahahaha,so tis movie (Little Big Soldier) i gv 3/5 if 5 for full mark..after that got little hungry..deardear bring me go " delicious" to hv our dinner lo~1st b4 go in i scare dao (==i) inside got a girl look alike my fren~i keep looking at her,n thinking that~izzit she really is my fren? if yes..y she bo call me? but me bo call her too~cuz i no confirm yet~hahahahha~cuz she no so Tall~wahahahaha~erm~so bad~i feel "delicious" geh food no that good~like i order Cabonara & 4cheese spaghetti..i eat till half got little bit feel "Yuck.."hahaha...i just feel not suitable for us only~after that i jau back home lecuz got little bit tired~reach home jau read deardear bought for me geh new StoryBook "Twilight" hehe~got 4 ben leh~hehe~like tis jau pass jor my lovely saturday~erm~guys "Percy Jackson" is a nice movie~dun miss up oh! hehe~
post by: May deardear next is wat movie??? Iron Man 2? hahahahaha
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