Monday.. 09/05/2011
after Siang n jiejie them back ansun..
deardear bring me to movie on monday...
Fast 5...

tis movie i watch from part 1 to 5...
Cars...Sport Cars...if u like watch from part 1..
sure u will like tis Fast crazy..i saw my dream car inside..
=3= 5/5 my mark..dun miss out tis movie oh!
waiting for Fast 6..maybe next year? (.^^.)
14/05/2011 - Saturday
my movie is ...


Tis movie is talking bout vampire ,human & the priest...
priest is the protector of the human..
they protect those human n kill the vampire..
not bad..the story line..hahaha 4/5 the mark i gv...
if our real world got vampire...i dun think we got a priest like tis movie.. XD
post by: Happy May
Tq deardear bring me to
movie again~~~(.^^.)
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