Wow~Sunday~tis is the 2nd weeks Deardear throw me alone at home~so i went out vif my early morning i ask my daddy fetch meto her house waiting her prepare n wait for her daddy fetch us to Midvalley Shopping~hehe,morning when i reach her house & i go in ..i saw a guy...i notice he is Weiwei's bro,bcuz she n her bro is "Long Fong Toi" so i looking her bro..wan to find out which part same vif Weiwei XD,but paiseh lah..i forget to greet(Da Zhao Hu)her bro...when sitting at the dining,we look at each other few sec..oni said "Hi" lol~Fan Ying Chi Dun jor..hahaha~
after that we jau go to Midv le~its is shopping time~after walk till tired jor,we go to SweetChat hv our lunch..n Take pic~
Here is Me n Weiwei
Here is Our Tea Time Value Set
after that..we continue shopping~ya~i bought alot things..use liao so so so many Money...then my honey Deardear call me(^^,)ask me finish shopping jor meh? he wanna come to fetch us back n bring me to MBO Cinema watch movie~OH YEAH! deardear is back!!! oh rite~so we back on 6.15pm..(deardear wear it oh,i buy for him geh Renoma polo-t on saturday metrojaya warehose sales^^)bring liao Weiwei back home..we jau rush to movie lah~
Clash of The Titans
Finally!!!! Deardear bring me watch movie le~but~hv to said sorry to Deardear~cuz our movie on 6.40pm..i shopping till 6.15pm oni wan back home..n need fetch Weiwei back home too,so when we went into cinema~movie ady stared few min jor~oh rite!! tis movie so nice~n their so REALISTIC but a bit Horrible~hahahaha~if compare vif Percy Jackson ...Tis movie i gv the mark 4/5 vif full markafter that we jau back home rest le~cuz i also tired le~but reach home 1 things make me so happy~deardear at melaka bought me 2 T-shirts leh!!! vif 1 Ice-Cream Mirror~hahaaha~SOOOO Cute n nice~Tq deardear so so much~wat a wonderful Sunday~i so so so HAPPY!!! hehehe
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