and my Naughty Brother Danny...
after prepared~We go 1Utama,reach there around 2.30pm like that~
so~i bring Siang go feed his Bek Cheong fish~hahahahha~then walk walk
till around 4.45pm~we go get our Tickets~Alvin & The Chipmunks 2
tis is a very very funny movie~ok there are some parts very very Gan Dong~
but u believe that? hahahhaha~Siang & my Deardear they Liu Yan Lei leh~
i ask them~they still ka ka sei there~after oni Chen Ren~hahahahahaha
finish movie oni 7somethings nia~nice bo? 1U de Christmas Decoration

when u look at those pic~u will feel FULL anot? YES! very full!
it very full~cuz our mistakes,we 4 person order 8 person de pasta~
when we finish it~all sit at there cant move~cuz toooooo fullll~hahahaha
after dinner we walk around also~n take pic
i was so happy~my Christmas can eat so many nice food~
n pass vif my Deardear, my Best fren n my brother..
cuz i very enjoy it~when they talk,they play..so Fun~make me laugh till sound also bo liao...hahahahaha~after we jau back home le~
siang lying on bed~n said: fuuuuu~so tired~
ya~very tired~but very happy too~thanks god providing me a wonderful Christmas Day~
post by: may
Tq Deardear~
acompany me Yi Zhen Tian
n pei wo pass Christmas~
next year we Chu Guo pass Christmas ok?
Tq Deardear~
acompany me Yi Zhen Tian
n pei wo pass Christmas~
next year we Chu Guo pass Christmas ok?
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