hahahahaha~i know is still early~~Valentine day still got few months to go~ but im a good girlfriend~so i ady started to think wat should i buy for him? hahaha,finally i know wat should i buy jor...is...........??????????? shhhhhh~i sure wont tell it 1st lah~hahahaha (deardear~sam kap leh? wan to know leh? blek ~) actually X'mas also not yet pass...i seem like miss jor X'mas present? actually we didnt celebrate X'mas wan~maybe just go out for a dinner? maybe~~~ but if i got Neng Li of cuz i will buy present for him too~but i suggest to have a X'mas Trip better than present? dun know leh~hv to wait for 2months oni know~wakakakakaka
post by: may
deardear dun guess jor
wait few more months later u will know what it is~~
i suggest u take the time
to plan for X'mas day wanna go where better ^^
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