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Another crazy movie by Rowan Atkinson this year
Johnny English Reborn
This movie was absolutely funny because everyone know this guy character..basically this movie was about Rowan acting as an professional agent but he always think that he was very smart and clever and refuse to listen to others opinion especially his partner and he ended up being accused as a spy...for those who havent watch this movie please go and watch ...is a waste if you miss out this movie..

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Just after a week back from Macau trip here comes my volleyball competition..
1st i would like to thank to my deardear and her ji mui Vivien for accompany us throughout the game and being my camera women...
At first I didnt take this game seriously as i thought it would just like a friendly game until a group of Malay came and their performance was outstanding..although they look a bit sissy but incredible they can jump until their forehead pass the net. You can imagine how high they jump..
Unfortunately only manage to get 1st Runner up but ended happily as this is the 1st time participate in the competition with different team..anywhere experience
My lovely deardear and her Ji mui Vivien
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On 9th September 2011 was a happiest moment for me and deardear because we went to Macau with family. Unfortunately Papa and brother not follow nvm maybe next time we can travel again. We reached Macau around 4 something in the afternoon. If i travel there alone jau habis because all the signboard written in Portugis and Chinese.
Once we reached the airport without wasting our golden time, we checked in and went out searching for mummum. After that we went to "Big Rubbish"=Tai San Pa, it's look like our Petaling Street Chee Cheong Kai..but what i can say is the souvenirs there were super duper cheap & affordable..most of the shops there close around 10++pm because not many ppl there...
For tourists like us mostly will went Tai San Pa there because there was a place quite nice and popular for us to snap pic. Is like old Church..my cousin they all were tired so they decided to rest in the hotel but deardear, me, sister, Mckevin,Mummy and aunty uncle not tired so we walked to Wynn Hotel but in fact we wanted to go Casino...hehe
The next day early morning itself for sure searching for breakfast and luckily managed to eat their popular egg tart.. what i can say is DAMN nice and delicious...after breakfast of course need some exercise so we have another walking exercise again searching for buses that can bring us to Venice Casino
It was so nice especially their decoration and design....In Macau there were around 35 casinos but it is impossible for you to visit them all unless you are "Kiao Kui"...Then we proceed to another casino SANDS
Opposite Sands was Macau Fisherman Wharf really look like in ROME and the air was sooo nice and cool..
AT night , we decided go POK SAT at MGM Casino and what i wanted to say Thank You MGM for sponsoring me a Mizuno and Adidas shoes hahaha...
Venice's Restaurant
Like here so much is like real cloud
Popular place in Macau's Tai San Pa
In front of Wynn Hotel
Nice night scenery
So call Pork Burger(Not Nice)
Night View at Tai San Pa
Grand Lisboa (Johny English acting place)
Live show in our hotel Fortuna but of course need to pay lar HK400
Macau was a nice place to visit but for vacation not really coz too many casinos so mostly suitable for Gamblers and CinaApek wanna "Jiao Ji" haha
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Final Destination 5
ok... (=.=) actually i got a bit dun like tis kind of movie wan..
y? they die till very GELI...n i will feel like vomiting....director for this movie improve alot compare to previous parts..y? the way they die you cant expect haha..
when i saw the 2nd 1 die..i ady feel like wanna run out the cinema jor..but my fren told me
i can tahan de no worry (==i)

Tis Hamsap guy.....u can see those needles in his body?
can u feel the pain when those needles dok into ur body?

n this pretty bcuz wan remove her "eye sight" n so she go
for an operation using laser...(==i)Laser!!! yuck.....
no bad lah..if u can tahan those geli part...
1st i don suggest u to watch this movie after lunch or dinner...in cinema cut alot
so u can try buy to DvD n watch la..my fren told me geh..
hahahaha.but for me even cut alot i also feel geli ady (==i)
post by: May
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wakakaka~~sorry sorry~late update blog again~~
tis time is talking bout food..1st..we went to Muar & Batu Pahat..
y? cuz i wan go for prayer so mummy bring me for a day trip..
ask me to apply leave on Saturday,n go Muar & B.P.
around 9 something we reached Muar..daddy brought me go to
Uncle Chai Tao Kuey...n u wont believe it..
1 packet oni RM2.80!! Big packet oni RM3.00
SOoooo Cheap~~n very nice..tis uncle told us,he early morning open shop..
everyday around 2hours..jau can off le..cuz his Chai Tao Kuey sold all d...(@@)
n lucky..we still able to buy 5pack..hahahaha,n tis uncle is so friendly...
here is the pic~~
dun think it black black and feel yucks..once u eat..really thumb up~
i was thinking..can i ask uncle teach me how to cook? so i can sell in K.L..hahaha
since he said his son dun wan to sell it...after him no 1 sell it d..(==i)
So,must grab this opportunity while he is still here..
then b4 go baibai..mummy wan eat tis curry laksa..
hahahaa,no bad la..actually..is Curry Laksa not Asam Laksa hah!
tis laksa not same vif u eat at Ansun n Penang...hahaha..
after that..we back from Batu Pahat...the next 2 days..
i went to Chiew intro de Saga Hill....went there searching for some nice food~
Sho Gua San
place is near Cheras "Look Out Point"
but tis is another small mountain..
we find around 1hour..oni can reach..hahaha..
okok..let show the pic ah XD
1st..pineapple juice..Big Glass...hahahaha
u can share vif ur gf/bf...
here is our main course..
actually b4 the our main course they got serve us bread vif butter geh..
i too hungry so b4 snap pic i eat jor..hahahaha!
our side dish.. cheese bake escargot
Fuyoh~~~~nice nice~~~
Y i so far come to find tis Saga Hill..the main reason is TIS!!!!
Gordon Bleu
all ppl said there got a super nice Gordon Bleu and is much more nicer than
Secret Recipe
see inside the Cheese?
n those Ham n meat..
once i eat it...i feel so lucky i found tis place...
everything is worth geh...
wat i search for? Nice Food!!!!!
really delicious!!!!!! n the price is not exp..
u can hv a party at there..a nice scenery..nice food..
really a good place,next day when i wake up ,i miss
the food again..hahaha! n ady plan to go for 2nd time..
cuz there got alot menu is mark vif "Like" mark n i not try yet!!!!
come come,come vif me..who wan go Saga Hill? We can bring u up..
but..treat me some special food ah...hahahahaha
(kidding kidding... XD)
post by: Fatty May
yorr,i know tis 2days geh food make me
fat alot (==i) but nvr..hardworking in the gym bah~
Deardear,can u bring me go again? (^^)