To all my readers n fans~
sorry for tis 2weeks didnt update anything fresh,
hahahaha,bcuz im lazy to write blog..hahaha,sorry to all
my readers n fans...ok..actually tis few week also
not much things to share...cuz i always stay in home..
play on9 games vif my deardear..keke
but we went out for movie ^^
so i share out the movie details for u all la..
Green Lantern

ok..i should said tis is the Super Funny
Hero movie that i nvr watch b4..ya..true..he really is a
Super Spider Man..Super Man..X-Man...
but he is a Hero From Lantern (@@) sound funny huh?
n inside this movie there are alot of funny part..dun think tis is
a Funny movie..their story line really not bad..teach us to
how to face problem that we think we cant do it..
"We r oni human,we cant do anythings.."
"Just bcuz we r human,we will fight for everything we wan to.."

n every Super Heroes sure wont miss out their
Super Hero's Girlfriend..hahaha,dun miss tis movie
go cinema watch it..tis movie really nice..
4/5 stars vif full mark..

n Transformers "Dark Of The Moon"
woaw tis movie really nice...Ops!! nonono...
hahaha,i not yet watch tis movie..cuz all ticket r FULLY BOOK!!
crazy huh? but im not bad too,my deardear ady book on tis
coming Monday 04/7 to watch tis so Qi Dai..
on tis part 3..wat happen to them this time that they have to face? how should they solve it?
come on..come watch vif me ok? n share vif me~wat is ur rating for tis movie ^^
post by: Happy May
(.^^.) i really cant wait
to watch Transformers ~