Well well well~Goal Goal Goal~oleh oleh oleh~here we goal~oleh oleh oleh~
eh? outdate liao lah~tis song~~hahahaha,ya of cuz~but something is wont outdatde~
is World Cup~ya~tis year 2010 is World Cup again..so fast huh? 4years again..
i remember i just pakto vif my deardear he everyday come to my house watch World Cup leh..
that time is....erm.....2006~ya!! is 2006..we still stick a Big Big geh Poster
to show all the matches...hahaha,so fast!! 4years again..but tis time we no stick jor..
cuz dun know at where can get the poster...hahaha..
See...today is 1st match...deardear leh? He Ady sit at TV there jor..i think almost
ALL Guys is watching football...or calling Bookie hor? i think the point will be 90/100%,tio bo? all my readers....ur daddy,ur bf,ur bro,ur hubby...ur frens
all talking bout World Cup..Chatting bout Football..n Now watching Football..
n im not a Football Fans but i will try my best to sit vif my deardear watch vif him..
if not he will Ku lengleng no ppl shout Goal vif him...hahahaha
..(izzit i hv to kick him out watch vif frens leh? oni have the World Cup Fever geh feel..tio bo?)but bcuz i live at Condo..even got a team score i will hear "GOALLLLLLLLLLLL!!!"
lol~so loud (=3=) i think tis coming 1month i wont sleep well..hahaha,at midnite will
let the sound of "Goal" wake me up...n i think tis coming 1month will got alot Guys take leave or on mc gua~hahahaha,no need 1week news paper will show it.."all football fans Ba Gong On Mc just bcuz wan Watch the Match at Midnite" hahahaha,deardear will anot? i dun know...
but i hope he will take care himself..if that nite got match that he wan to watch..make sure
take leave..i dun hope he hv no energy Drive To Work...cuz its very danger..to Him...
then my job is...Dun let my Deardear "Fa Re Qi" i know that he sure will..
so i hv to ask my Pro Herb Tea Daddy cook more herb tea to Deardear drink..
heh Girls~take care ur Daddy,Bro or Hubby/Boyfrens lo
dun let them bcuz of the football match get sick lo...hahaa~
Fifa World Cup~Rockkkkkkk~~~
Post By: May
goal goal goal~
oleh oleh oleh~
here we goal~
oleh oleh oleh~~(^^,)