Wah wah~2weeks bo update blog! till today oni update~paiseh lah,
i really tired from trip & now got Sick..but still try my best to come sit in front com
update my blog~paiseh to all my readers ah
on 27th May 2010 when i finish working around 5something
reach home jau fast fast take bath n go out again...go where? go Saloon for
cut hair..me & deardear ady 2months din go saloon cut hair jor~hahahahahaha..
after that we jau back ansun..y? Bcuz wan go to Tambun Water Park n
go see a New Puppy at deardear House >>> Benji - labrador
Here is Mr.BenBen - Benji
He really very very Active n Naughty..
Know y? he like to play...n like to Bite things..
when u Dun(squad) Xia Lai..he will run very fast to pop at ur body..
like to Eh Neh wan u sayang him..n like to Bite ur shoes..
hahahaahha,pity Deardear geh mummy..their house almost all
things ady let Benji bite till Rosak jor..like Grass..Shoes...Tree..
Ong lai..Hanging at Big door there de..3 units of Shao Ba(broom)...Towel...n protect from Mosquito go in de Web...hahahahaa
all become Benji Toys...no need i said till so clear u all also know wat happen jor...tio bo?
when we just reach Ansun also almost 10something..so we straight go to eat
Cha Kuey Tiao as our dinner (@@) woaw~so many ppl waiting to eat...
then we wait for Mr.Siang..cuz his new HTC hp is at our here,but he not free
cuz rushing back to meet his frens at MCD..n he plan Jie Mu for us..
wat Jie Mu? he help us bought jor a new movie...
- Prince Of Persia-
at 11.30pm

wah~i can said tis is a really nice movie..
very Cek Gek(excited) & Funny~hahahaha if u watch d..i think u will
agree too~4/5 vif full mark..not yet watch?
faster go watch lah...after movie we also go back sleep le..
cuz all ady tired..Mr.Siang still got working on Friday.. (.^^.)
Next day...me & deardear sleep till around 11.00am something oni wake up..
erm can say is early wake up jor..cuz normally in my home..i will sleep till almost 1something on Holiday..hahahaha,then we hv our breakfast at deardear's home..is his mummy
cook de..beh pai ah...i like the prawn ,nice to eat..after mummum,we go to Extreme find
Mr.Siang..cuz he is waiting us bring him go eat Lunch..1st time i go inside see
his working place...erm~it look small..but still can fit him inside lah...hahaha
then they do their Garmin GPS till around 2something..come on...im the only girl waiting for them to fix their HP..(==i) then we bring Mr.Siang go to MCD eat Mcdvalue Lunch..
(@@) alot ppl again...while waiting for them to order i saw some funny things..
a lady worker try to change the Rubbish Bin Plastics..but..those ppl seem like dun know
queue up..if a big rubbish bin wan collect in so many rubbish we sure will put almost
3 to 4 plastick bag into the Big Bin..but when the malay lady put 1st into bin..got a malay kids..
hand take 4 box "Mcdonald French Fries" box throw into the bin...when i saw it i terus laugh with silent...n continue see the worker how she response to the kids..wow~she show her angry face ask the kids to take the rubbish up n put away..(@@) then she continue her work "put plastic bag to the bin" oh rite...2nd...3rd....when till 4th...an aunty take a tissue.. throw in again..n walk away~wahahahaha~i really beh tahan jor..i laugh n use my hand to cover my mouth...
the worker stop her work standing there and stare at the aunty...is too far..i dun know she Ngam wat...but i think..sure alot bad word..hahahahaa~wat she will do on next? she pick up the rubbish put together vif the kids rubbish...(==i) n continue her work..when finish i know she very Hot jor..she use her leg to kick the bin back to the place where she keep rubbish bin de..hahahaaha,i can said..maybe her otak bo turn so fast..everyone wan throw rubbish..sure cant wait for her so slow to done the work..y dun she put a plastic bag just beside her rubbish bin..then those Customer can throw in beside that 1,n she can continue till last oni take back beside that 1 put in
rubbish bin leh? like tis jau wont so Wai Wat her jor lo~ tio bo leh? hahahahaha..
then finish mummum fetch Mr.Siang back to office.n we go to TF buy things lu~~~
after back from TF,we take a nap..n nite jau go to eat Ansun Loklok vif Satay..hehe
then we jau go Mckevin house...deardear play Xbox vif his Jiefu(bro-in law)..
i nth to do jau sit beside them n play IpodTouch..till around 12something also back home rest le..
then next day we wake up around 7.30am..early rite? cuz we wan go to
Tambun Water Park..b4 that we hv breakfast vif jiejie n aunty..
after we go to Mr.Siang house fetch him n start our journey..
here is some pic when on the way go... i take wan (.^^.)
Finally we reach jor..use Mr.Siang geh Garmin..when arrive at Ipoh we use oni 15min
jau reach our destination jor...
Come Join us~hahaha,Lyordson gv us geh..
after that we jau take pic vif Tambun Cat..hahahaha
erm~maybe is Holiday~so alot ppl too
but luckily we oni use 15min to buy ticket..cuz got a new counter open d..
after we jau go in park play lah...bcuz lazy..so i bo snap pic..n ok..can
said Tambun water park not like Sunway Water park so big n wide..n din hv so many things
to play..but Rm30..ok lah...n got few things beh pai..1day can finish all the games..
after we put things into locker..we jau walk walk n take a look..
1st we go to Pet Farm...hahahahaa,alot things let us see,1st we saw G-force..
hahahaaha,deardear n siang not dare touch them,,scare they bite us..
hahahahha,then we walk.. feel like going into Jungle..we saw alot Gu Gu Guai Guai(strange) de things..
those live in Jungle wan...n we go into one place..not yet go in ady got a Yang mehmeh(goat) calling Ah Siang..hahahaha,laugh sei me..some more calling very loud..when we push the gate n go in..got 1
small goat keep Mehmeh n follow deardear hahahaha,deardear scare woh..
he said "eh kin kin kia leh..he keep looking at me..dun know y..feel geli.."
hahahahaha,then we walk to lake..the lake look like nth..but up there got alot
green green de "Qing Tai(algae)" then i saw got 1 wood make de "Kok Kok(bamboo)" then my hand itchy so i take up the things n keep knocking & knocking~there is an information board & deardear read the information bout what is actually surrounding(wei zhe) us in this jungle..n Mr.Siang is standing beside deardear reading the information too... but when deardear read till half..he ask me stop knocking the bamboo..
i ask y? he said the information there write around here got "anaconda,monkey,a big big fish..n those dangerous n we din see b4 geh things"..then we notice 1 things..around the lake are using woods to cover de..n there got a notice.. look like some arrow showing us there got things..but bcuz the "Qing Tai(algae)" so we cant see anythings..but i feel geli jor..cuz i standing at the place is just beside the wood oni...then they ask me fast fast go..cuz we dun know inside the lake got wat will jump out.. (==i) oh rite... really scare me off...when we walk out..the goat still waiting deardear,n another goat still same calling Ah Siang...hahahahaha,then we cross some place..we saw 3 "Geese" at there San Bu woh...i told deardear n siang dun go kacau them..they will chase us..cuz they no like duck n chick so Friendly...but Siang not believe he said he will cross them & nth happen...then we stand at there for looking how he wan cross those Geese...wahaha..
he stand at there keep shout "shuuu..shuuu...kia..dun kacau me...i wan go..."
then got 1 Goose looking down look like finding food eat..but suddenly Action woh! he chase Siang...hahahahaha..laugh dao me going cry..hahaha..Siang run very far n turn back..he shout out he will cross them...then.....1...2....3... Boom...he run~hahahaha,ok lah...he cross over them jor..n the goose also "Fang Qi(Give Up)" dun wan chase siang d..who ask siang run so fast...hahaha,after that
we go to play water..we rent a tube for "hai lang(Wave)" de...very song..n very Shu fu...we play jor 2 round..then we jau play other look like same vif sunway de tube way..after i say hungry...we go to eat something...after mummum..i saw can rent bicycle for 30min..i "Hao Qi"..so we rent for cycle..me n deardear 1 bike 2 ppl cycle de..so cute...so we cycle to Goose there..ya...is my idea..
i ask Siang go Kacau those Goose..hahahaha..cuz tis time Siang got Weapon Protector jor..how strong the Goose are also din hv Iron Strong gua? hahahahhaa~but zi ji Na lai Xue...tis time siang kena 3 Geese together chase~hahahahahahaha,cycle jor 2 round also got little bit tired jor..then we jau go into Hot Spring~Fuyoh..here de Hot Spring really HOT!!! hot than Sungkai somemore..
we like "Shua Gu" like that~play hot Spring till Raining..then all tired d..we also prepare back home le..
when i into the toilet i really going HIN(faint) in toilet..Y? ALOT PPL!!!! n almost all are malay..
when i see Toilet Traffic Jam..i also bo mood "Pai dui(queue up)" waiting a Small n Dirty toilet to change cloth..but i yau cant like tis get wet in car n use 1hour journey to back home gua? i sure will "Kam Tio(caught cold)"..so~so~i use my towel cover my body n~n~take off all my wet cloth..a malay boy kids saw i take off then he act like wan throw things keep standing beside me to see me change my cloth...
Kids only~ok~i tell myself he just a Kids..so i look at him..see wat he wan to do on me..
suddenly his mummy call him..so i jau fast fast wear back my cloth n go out..
when i go out deardear & siang ady at outside waiting me..hahaha,raining heavily..so we use
over towel to cover head n run to car..deardear wan buy "Hio Bia",so we go to "San Bao Dong" there lo...but i cant tahan..maybe too tired i fall a sleep inside car..n Siang see deardear go out buy "Hio Bia" keep kacau me lo..wake me up (=3=) after we jau saw tis..
here is some pic after i wake up...i snap wan
Raining really really Heavily..n the wind is come from Beside..causing the road so Mong..
n deardear open double indicators n drive slowly lo...look at the tree u can imagine how big the Wind? look so horrible neh~
er hem~no matter how horrible our driver also Bo kia.. n continue to drive~hahaha,
with his Sun Glass (ops~notice that...maybe i need to buy a new Sun Glass for him (--,) since he so like to wear Sun Glass n tis ady so Chan jor..)
after that,reach home fast fast take a bath n go out dinner lo~cuz late jor mah..
around 9 something they jau got Ansun Wei Yi de Futsal play football nor~(==i) see
KL Futsal Ansun Also Futsal...my deardear really Like to play Football..wat can i do?
i be Lala dui lo...the only girl sit outside the court looking at 10ppls chasing for a ball...lol
then i feel sleepy..so i borrow IpodTouch from Mckevin n play..
here is some pic
till 11pm..then we go to
eat Nasi lemak..n i notice something..my neck so itchy...n come out alot redred de things..
but i don care bout it..back home just use water to wash my neck n go to sleep...
morning wake up~Walao~bu de liao leh~my NECK!!!!
all pop out 1 small small redred de things~around all of my neck!!! walao!!!!
i ask my deardear see n ask! wat happen to me?!!! wat is tis!!! n very very ITCHY!!!!!
then deardear ask his mummy take a cream for me..use liao very "Shu Fu(comfortable)"..n slowly the red dot disappear..but after 30min the redred yau pop out again.. (>.<) "Kiu Mia lo~"
itchy dou sei...then around 12something we also back KL le..deardear said early reach KL
we can rest,n i need to take bath...no use woh...the Redred is poping out more n more..
from my neck till my back...n my face (.TT.) walao eh~i so so so scare is tis~Skin Sensitive!!!
cry lo~at where i get this thingy?
till morning wake up prepare go to working..the redred is "Chuan(spread)" till my ears..
n around my ears ..i ask deardear how? i go office sure will let ppl see it...
no choice...deardear ask me "Cha Yao" but i really cant tahan when working..is Itchy but yau cant Scratch it~so Sam fu leh...after lunch time i phone to Daddy ask he bang gang come fetch me go see doctor.. (=3=) result out..doctor said me is "Re Fei" oh.. so gv me 3 medicines vif 1 cream..like tis use jor me RM65.00 (@@) walao eh..doctor Chop me...hahahaha,luckily office can
claim..if not i really Kan Kok pass June le..so now~till now i havent recover de ah!
continue eat yao~vif cream..n sit at com here writing my Blog!! if not my readers will come my house complain me jor~ TIO BO????? hahahahhaa~wat a wonderful Trip vif Skin Sensitive !!!
Post by: May