Today is Saturday~hahahahaha~ben ran we wan go gym de~ reach there make liao payment then the ppl told us that today gym run out of water?! (==i) then how? deardear suggest terus go to shoppping~but i dun wan cuz i wan wear leng leng make up lengleng go gaigai vif him~ so we back home prepare nor~until 5:00pm oni go out~ lets go to 1Utama Shopping Centre~ hehe~cuz i wan see Last Week we discuss bout it! is cat or tiger???
Tada~I WIN I WIN!!!! She is a CAT! hahahahaha see my deardear~so cute~ hahaahahaha (Dear,She is CAT!!! Trust me liao bo?)
then,is me~"Zhao Cai Hui" bring me home u will get alot of money~hahahahaaha
see,happy Zhao Cai Family~
Tis year geh Decoration so cute~ hahahahaha~n the Main Cat is really really big~ roughly 3 floors high like that the cat~geng hor? then we walk walk..walk around... then i go buy deardear always wanna buy de SUPERMAN T-shirt.. for wat purpose? CNY de nor~we bought couple T,so when we go to Bangkok we can wear together mah~hehehe later oni show U the cloths.. walk till tired & hungry jor,so we went to Last Week i promised wan bring Him go to eat de..but i forgot n went to "My Honey Moon" in stead of "The Garden" NAH! Tis time i remember jor!!! "The Garden" Here we Come~hahahahaha
erm~izzit wo de pai zhao ji shu,Jin Bu liao leh? nice bo tis pic? i use Canon Ixus 100 capture wan (^^,)
their decoration so nice~use flowers as their theme really feel like at Garden~ (Green~Save the World) (^^,)
so romantic~dining at here somemore got ppl play piano for us~hahahaha
That is me~
N my Honey Deardear (cute leh?)
Their Menu
each pages show their foods together vif the explanation bout flower geh things,this is my Birth Month Feb and my deardear geh Oct other explanation i will upload the pic at Facebook
our drinks~ Soda Green Apple & Ribena Blast
Deardear geh...i forget wat name jor~ is fish vif butter sauce~very delicious n tasty oh~
mine wan still the same~Cabonara~ hehe~cuz i like Cabonara so much~ once i go to new shop i sure will try their Cabonara...really very Yummy~ dun worry~next time i will go there again,but no more Cabonara~ i also wan try new foods geh mah~i will try order another nice food~ Guys~go try~there really nice~(^^,) after that i go bought some mask for my Panda Eyes geh~ n back home rest lu~a wonderful Saturday nitez~ hahahaha~deardear kena police block~cuz Break Light sot liao (==i) n pay RM20 for "Teh Tarik" lo~nvm lah~ deardear said: Poh Choi Dong Zhoi mah~
Nah~here is our SuperMan T~ hahahahaha~deardear geh is SuperHero mine wan is SuperGirl~hehe~very nice oh~
post by: May deardear,do u like the Super T? hahahahahaha
This is the latest movie that dear dear and I watch (The Spy Next Door)
Aiyoyo this see also know is CAT right??but dunno y dear always argue with me say is TIGER
Have a better view
Finally i have my time to sit down here and update my blog lo cause my "FAN C" complain le haha..Actually we didnt plan wanna go for any movies this saturday but seem like boring then i ask my dear go GSC website see got wat movie and dear show me THE SPY NEXT DOORso we choose this movie..Wow Wow Wow~~damn damn funny+excited+touching..really is a good movie especially the kids are really pro...after movie we see ppl decorating for Chinese New Year geh things...and dear keep on arguing with me this is CAT haha but i told her this is TIGER and she still dun believe so next week we will go again to make her "Sam Fuk Hao Fuk" lo haha...because at the cinema we ate too much so we still full and we go to "My Honeymoon" to have some dessert...actually dear dear said wanna go to "The Garden" eat but she forgot liao..sad lo coz dear dear so young already have "Lao Ren Chi Tai Zhen" quite tired so after dinner we jau go back liao lo hehe...Happy Saturday With Dear Dear at 1Utama..
Today is Sunday,11something i jau wake up and prepare~ hehe,cuz deardear wan bring me go watch movie~ the -Sherlock Holmes- b4 watch movie..we go to The Garden buy something after that jau go watch movie lah~
started i dun know tis movie is talking bout wat de so i dun think tis movie ngam me~but when started only a while~i feel very very Chi Gek~the a very very smart guy..vif his partner Watson is a very Geng de Fighter really is "Zui Gai Pak Dong" if deardear wan bring me watch 2nd time i will not reject~ cuz GUYS~tis movie very very nice! 5star! FullMark i gv i waiting for part2~hehe,after that we rushing back home cuz 5pm wan go to danny geh performance
Deardear & Me
hahahahaha~eat buffet~my Zan Li Ping~ i so long bo alone go take food~normally is deardear get for me (^^,) then we jau watch Dua Bui Danny performing and our camera man (my deardear) jau busy video it lo~hahahaha,when we reach home,Danny bring us a bad news..his hp is lost! malay guys stole it when their bags put in the store room..not oni his hp,his frens wallet hp also being stolen~y we know are malay guys stole it? they pick up phone and said: if wan get back hp,each RM20..n meet at????? i dun know jor~dun know how they settle it..but it is 2hour b4 geh things..wat a bad day to Danny~
Post by: May Dua Bui dun cry~ when u get 3 A's jau got new hp jor hahahahaha